Allied Health
About CSANZ Representation
Allied Health members of CSANZ NZ Region are represented on the NZ Committee by an elected member to share Allied Health concerns, plan education sessions at the annual scientific meeting, and to advocate for the sector. The current representative is Stacey Neilson. Stacey is also the New Zealand rep on the CSANZ Allied Health, Science and Technology Council. The Chair of that Council is Dr Lee Nedkoff.
To get in touch with NZ rep Stacey Neilson, please contact the CSANZ office.
Stacey Neilson Bio

“I have been working in Cardiology since 1999 when I started as a ‘Trainee Physiology Technician’ at Greenlane Hospital. Early in my career I had a focus in pacing and EP holding roles in Auckland and Waitemata. In 2011 I switched my focus to echo and completed my PGDip Cardiac Ultrasound in 2013.
We decided to leave big city life and moved to Rotorua in 2017 where I work as the Team Leader for Clinical Physiology at Rotorua and Taupo hospitals.
I completed my Masters degree research thesis in 2023. I am passionate about Allied Health workforces and our important role in the Cardiology ecosystem, I also bring a voice to the challenges of regional healthcare.”
Recent News
May 2024
CSANZ NZ Continuing Professional Development Scholarship Report
Physiologist Sue Brett about completing her PG Diploma in Clinical Research
April 2024
Boosting Allied Health Participation in Research. Links to News post on this website.
March 2024
Much–Needed Heart Sonography Course Launched at University of Auckland. Links to Radio New Zealand website.
Allied Health Leaders
The Society of Cardiopulmonary Technology
Physiologist Fiona Riddell is the Chair and Secretary of the Society of Cardiopulmonary Technology SCT.
In 2021 Fiona was awarded the New Zealand Order of Merit for services to cardiac physiology, and she was awarded the CSANZ NZ Cardiac Medal in 2023.
Find out more about the SCT here.

Other Allied Health Representatives on NZ Working Groups
Cardiac sonographer Claire Heffernan is the co-chair of the CSANZ NZ Imaging Working Group. Find out more about the Imaging group here.
Physiologist Lucy Harris, based at Christchurch Hospital, is a member of the organising committee of the CSANZ Heart Rhythm working group (HRNZ). Find out about HRNZ here.
Pharmacist Rep

Johanna Lim is a Consultant Cardiology Pharmacist and Pharmacist Prescriber currently working in multiple roles within the Primary and Secondary care setting in New Zealand. One of the roles she enjoys is her pharmacist-led heart failure clinics in a GP practice, where she can make a difference in people’s lives by taking a holistic approach.
In addition to being a member on the CSANZ Allied Health Executive Council, Johanna holds multiple roles, including leading and teaching the cardiovascular module for the University of Auckland Postgraduate Diploma in Clinical Pharmacy, being the co-lead of the New Zealand Hospital Pharmacists’ Association (NZHPA) Cardiology Special Interest Network, and also a Team Leader. Johanna also is a member of the National Heart Failure Advisory Board NZ and the Central Region Cardiology Network Heart Failure subcommittee.
Professional website link for pharmacists:
NZHPA Cardiology SIN group (NZHPA membership subscription required) SIG and SIN groups » New Zealand Hospital Pharmacy Association Incorporated
Physiotherapy New Zealand Cardio-respiratory Special Interest Group (SIG)
Dr Emily Gray is a cardiorespiratory physiotherapist and lecturer at the School of Physiotherapy, University of Otago. My early working career was in musculoskeletal physiotherapy. After completing a postgraduate diploma in sports medicine and a short stint in cardiovascular and respiratory physiology research I found my passion and transitioned to cardiorespiratory physiotherapy. I became a Professional Practice Fellow at the School of Physiotherapy, University of Otago in 2011, which included clinical supervision of students on the inpatient cardiorespiratory ward. I completed my PhD in 2021 and commenced my current role as a lecturer in 2022. My research interests include physical activity engagement during early recovery following cardiac surgery or myocardial infarction, and cardiac rehabilitation service delivery for rural populations.

Jen Mepham is a cardio-respiratory physiotherapist with over 15 years experience in acute and community settings both nationally and internationally, in private and public settings as well as teaching at the School of Physiotherapy, University of Otago.
Jen is a member of Physiotherapy New Zealand cardio-respirarory special interest group committee who advocates for safe and timely rehabilitation in long term conditions, including post-viral conditions.
Useful Links and Resources
Link to the CSANZ NZ Annual Scientific Meeting website