NZ Committee

The NZ Committee are the elected representatives of the Society’s New Zealand members. Find out more about the make-up of the committee in the New Zealand Rules.

Chair: Dr Martin Stiles

Immediate Past Chair: Dr Selwyn Wong

Treasurer & Deputy Chair: Dr Sarah Fairley (Dr Fairley is also the NZ Regional Secretary under the Constitution)

Northern Representative: Dr Peter Barr

Midlands Representative: Dr Kerryanne Johnson

Lower North Island Representative: Dr Sarah Fairley

South Island Representative: Dr Dougal McClean (Christchurch)

Surgical Representative: Dr David McCormack

Elected Board Member: Dr Selwyn Wong

Paediatric Representative: Dr Kathryn Rice

Heart Failure Working Group Chair: Dr Daniel Chan

Heart Rhythm NZ Working Group Chair: Dr Matthew Webber

Imaging Working Group Chair: Dr Kerryanne Johnson

NZ Cardiovascular Intervention Working Group Chair: Dr Sarah Fairley

Cardiac Rehabilitation and Prevention Working Group Co-Chairs: Zari Deidrichs-Farnan and Sarah Rossiter

Nurse Representatives: Rebecca Eddington and Chris Aldridge

Allied Health Representative: Stacey Neilson

Māori advisor: Dr Wil Harrison

Pacifica advisor: Dr Corina Grey