Members’ newsletter, 10 March 2021
CSANZ NZ ASM 16-18 June in Rotorua
Abstract deadline extended
If you didn’t quite make this week’s deadline, but would like to submit an abstract, we have extended the date for submission to 8pm, Monday 15th March.
Convenor, Dr Paul Bridgman says “the program committee is hard at work planning a meeting that will be uniquely Aotearoa themed – it will be by us, for us all: mā mātou, mō tatou.”
Take advantage of the earlybird registration rate (until 16 April). We look forward to getting together in Rotorua in June.
Travelling scholarship applications close on Friday 2 April
Members wishing to register for the meeting should consider eligibility for a travelling scholarship. Up to ten scholarships of $1,000 each towards attendance costs will be awarded in April to successful applicants.
NZ Allied Health and Nurse CPD Scholarships
Allied Health and Nurse Members are strongly encouraged to consider applying for continuing professional development scholarships in 2021. Applications close on 30 April.
The objectives of these scholarships are:
- To advance cardiovascular care skills and expertise for the benefit of patients
- To support nurse/allied health members providing cardiovascular care or carrying out research
- To facilitate the dissemination of best practice in cardiovascular care
- To provide support for research, either basic science or clinical research (which must be completed in New Zealand)
Email applications to our Executive Officer Kate.
Welcome to New Members
CSANZ New Zealand Region Chair, Prof Michael Williams, warmly welcomes new financial members who have joined over the past few months: Harish Sonigra, Jane Oorschot, Sirisha Mitnal, Erina Korohina and Jennifer Mepham.
SUBS Due Reminder
Now is the time to make sure that you are a financial member of CSANZ for the 2021 year. When your subscription is unpaid by late April, your membership will lapse. Please get in touch if your circumstances have changed and you would like to suspend your membership for a period. If you are not receiving notices, please get in touch in case your membership has lapsed.
Career Opportunities Noticeboard
NZ members can check career opportunity listings on the CSANZ AU website.
In the listing from Medsafe, please note that the deadline for specialist clinicians positions on the Medicines Adverse Reactions Committee has been extended until Friday 26th March.
The New Zealand Committee welcomes input from all New Zealand members, and looks forward to meeting many of you in person at the ASM in June.