CSANZ NZ Regional Newsletter, December 2022

The NZ Committee is delighted to confirm that the 2023 New Zealand Annual Scientific Meeting will be held in the Aotea Centre in Auckland on 15-17 June 2023 with the meeting theme “Better Together”.
The call for abstracts is now open. Registration is open too. Early bird registrations close on 17 April. The Executive Officer will be in touch about how to apply for traveling scholarships to the meeting in the new year.
Better Together
We are working with co-opted NZ Committee members Dr Wil Harrison and Dr Corina Grey on guiding principles for Diversity, Inclusion and Equity specific to Aotearoa New Zealand. There are a couple of things we need your help with on this:
- a survey of members’ ethnicity using the protocols described here. Kate will send the survey out by email, and collate the data.
- Your interest in attending a MIHI 501 course at a special session if this can be arranged prior to the 2023 ASM (possibly on the Wednesday for around 6 hours). Kate will ask about your interest in attending this when she conducts the ethnicity survey.
Nominations for the NZ Cardiac Medal Award
The NZ Committee has opened nominations for the NZ Cardiac Medal. It would be awarded during the ASM in 2023. This award is for a member of the Cardiac Society who has made an outstanding contribution in New Zealand by making heart care better for New Zealanders. Nominations close on 1 February 2022. Click on the link above to get a copy of the application form and terms of reference.
NZ Allied Health and Nurse CPD Scholarships
Allied Health and Nurse Members are encouraged to apply for continuing professional development scholarships in 2023. Click on the link to find out how to apply. Applications close in April 2023.
The objectives of these scholarships are to:
- advance cardiovascular care skills and expertise for the benefit of patients
- support nurse/allied health members providing cardiovascular care or carrying out research
- facilitate the dissemination of best practice in cardiovascular care
- provide support for research, either basic science or clinical research (which must be completed in New Zealand)
- provide funding for a relevant course of education advancing the applicant’s professional development.
Educational Resources
We encourage you to access educational resources through the homepage of csanz.edu.au

The CSANZ Education Committee provides Members with the latest in cutting edge resources to share knowledge and enhance your career. This includes a variety of clinical cases, presentations or images for discussion, webinars and podcasts, clinical trials and latest evidence in a variety of areas of practice, appealing to all who work in the field of cardiology from clinical and surgical to researchers, scientists, cardiovascular nurses and allied health professionals.
The Members Education website is only available to financial members of CSANZ. You will need your primary email address to get a password for the site. Please let Kate know if you have any trouble accessing it.
Recently, resources for NZ Nurse Members were featured on the csanz.edu.au members’ site:

Following a very successful study day organised by the Rehabilitation and Prevention working group in Christchurch in November, we have uploaded some presentations from the day onto the NZ site here.
Membership Subscription Rates
Membership subscription notices will be sent out shortly. The NZ Committee has raised the subscription by 5% for 2023 except for the Member (Nurse and Allied Health) subscription which is unchanged.
Meri Kirihimete me te Hape Nū Ia

The NZ Committee wishes you all the best for the Summer holiday period. We welcome input from you at any time, and look forward to a working with you in the coming year.
Dr Selwyn Wong
The NZ Office will be closed from 23 December- 3 January.