Members’ Newsletter, July 2022

Outcome of the 2022 New Zealand ASM
Tēnā koutou katoa. Thanks to the Convenor and Organising Committee for delivering a fantastic online meeting on 22 June! We were privileged have involvement from an excellent and impressive faculty. The sessions addressed important equity issues, particularly historical and current Māori relationships in society as a whole and within health and specialist societies. Moreover, the faculty gave comment on positive future steps. John Mandrola’s talks were similarly thought-provoking and also well-worth viewing/reviewing.
The organising committee has made recordings of the main sessions available to view, for a limited time. To view the sessions on Vimeo you will need the password (members only access is on this page).
70th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Cardiac Society of Australia and New Zealand
From sunny Nelson to sunnier Gold Coast, the New Zealand Region of the Society is proud to host the 70th Anniversary meeting at the Gold Coast Convention Centre 11-14 August 2022. It’s not too late to register. We look forward to seeing many of you there. Find out about the meeting here.
News from the New Zealand AGM
NZ Chair, Dr Selwyn Wong, was delighted to announce the winners of the investigator awards for 2022. They are:
Evie Templeton – Young Investigator Award for her work on “Harnessing the power of omics: discovering novel microRNZ and protein biomarkers of acute kidney injury in acute heart failure”
Ellen Woodcock – Allied Health Investigator Award for her work on “Spironolactone and atrial remodelling in patients with paroxysmal atrial fibrillation (PAF)”
John Ramos – Nurse Investigator Award for his work on “Hospitalisation during lockdown – Patient’s beds-eye view”
Congratulations to you all. Abstracts submitted to the meeting are available in the usual way online in Heart Lung and Circulation. Or access the supplement here.
Education Page

For Cardiologists in Aotearoa who are feeling light on national networking through the Covid years, the item below is current on the CSANZ education page
New Members
A warm welcome to all our new New Zealand members. We look forward to meeting you in person at next year’s ASM in Auckland 15-17 June 2023 at the Aotea Centre, if not before.
Out of Office Notice
Our executive officer is away from 7 July until 11 August when you may see her working at the Gold Coast meeting on the CSANZ stand. Come and say hello! While the NZ office is closed membership inquiries will be answered by the Australian office. Email
NZ Chair Dr Selwyn Wong and the NZ Committee wish you all well over the coming months. Everyone is under the pump, but we do welcome input from you at any time.