CSANZ NZ Regional Newsletter, March 2022

We were sorry to advise that in response to the changing COVID-19 landscape, the NZ ASM planned for 21-23 June in Christchurch was canceled. Instead, a one-day mini programme will be available online on Wednesday 22 June at no cost to members. You will receive email updates in the coming weeks with registration details and programme information. The mini programme will include:

  • Young Investigator Award finalist presentations 
  • Nurse and Allied Health Investigator Award finalist presentations
  • Registrar training  
  • General sessions 
  • CSANZ New Zealand AGM 


New Zealand is hosting the joint ASM (CSANZ2022) at the Gold Coast Convention and Exhibition Centre 11-14 August. Registration opens on 17 March.
Dr Mayanna Lund is the Convenor and Dr Martin Stiles is the Chair of the Scientific Programme Committee.

10 Traveling Scholarships Offered to CSANZ2022

The NZ Region Committee is pleased to offer NZ Members up to 10 traveling scholarships (of $1,500 ea) to attend “CSANZ2022”. Applications close on Friday 22 April and the outcome will be notified by Friday 29 April.

Link to application information.

In addition, the Amjad Hamid Traveling Scholarship for a member working in a rural hospital in New Zealand is available for attendance to the Gold Coast ASM. Closing date: Friday 22 April. Outcome notified by Friday 29 April.

Link to the application information.

Note that scholarships and prizes listed on csanz.edu.au are available to all CSANZ members and more traveling scholarships will be offered in May to attend CSANZ2022.

Reminder – Allied Health and Nurse Member CPD scholarships

Allied Health and Nurse Members are strongly encouraged to consider applying for continuing professional development scholarships. The objectives of these scholarships are:

  • To advance cardiovascular care skills and expertise for the benefit of patients
  • To support nurse/allied health members providing cardiovascular care or carrying out research
  • To facilitate the dissemination of best practice in cardiovascular care
  • To provide support for research, either basic science or clinical research (which must be completed in New Zealand)

Applications close on 30th April 2022. Find out more here.

The New Zealand Committee welcomes input from all New Zealand members, and looks forward to seeing you either online in June or in person in August at one of our 2022 scientific meetings.