Heart Rhythm New Zealand (HRNZ)
The Chair of Heart Rhythm New Zealand is Dr Geoff Clare.
Heart Rhythm New Zealand (HRNZ) is an integral part of CSANZ. It was formerly known as New Zealand Pacing and Electrophysiology Group (NZPEG).
HRNZ is increasingly required to provide advice to the Society on a range of professional issues.
Aims of HRNZ
- To be a forum for those whose major interests include cardiac arrhythmias, electrophysiology and cardiac rhythm devices.
- Foster excellence in both the practical and academic aspects of these areas.
- Disseminate knowledge in an open, objective and transparent manner ultimately for the benefit of patients undergoing treatment for rhythm problems.
- Provide a forum that facilitates interaction, research and collaboration between clinicians, scientists and other interested groups involved in all aspects device and EP work.
- Act as an expert advisory group to the NZ Regional Committee of the CSANZ/
Guiding principles
- Quality and safety for patients and members.
- Patient-focused services with a commitment to ongoing improvement and delivery of safe,high quality, evidence based, outcome-focused care delivered by trained, competent clinicians.
- Engaging clinicians and supporting a consultative forum.
- Encourage research, audit and quality improvement activities.
- Stewardship of the discipline as it is practiced in New Zealand.
Application procedures
Membership of HRNZ is open to existing Members of the CSANZ who have expertise in the field of electrophysiology and cardiac rhythm devices.
- New members must be nominated by 2 members of HRNZ.
- Applications for Membership of HRNZ will be reviewed by the Chair to ensure the applicant meets the requirements of membership.
- Applications must include a current CV and documentation of training and completion of appropriate qualifications that meets the requirements of the CSANZ.
- Applications will be ratified by the voting membership at business meetings of HRNZ.
Executive membership categories and requirements
- The members of HRNZ will elect a Chair for a 3-year term at its AGM. Nominations for the Chair from the Members will be called for at the AGM. If more than one nomination is received, a vote will be held at the AGM. The vote is carried by a majority decision.
- The Chair may form a committee to deal with specific issues relating to HRNZ. Such a committee should be representative of the membership of HRNZ.
- The quorum necessary for the transaction of the business of HRNZ shall be 10 voting members including the Chair (or nominee).
- The Chair of HRNZ will sit as a member of the CSANZ EP and Pacing Council for the duration of his/her term of office.
- The Chair of HRNZ is included as a member of the NZ Regional Committee of CSANZ (ex-officio).
- The Chair will either represent or nominate a deputy to represent HRNZ at meetings such as CSANZ Councils, Ministry of Health or DHB groups and international bodies (e.g. APHRS) as requested and required.