CSANZ NZ Regional Newsletter, June 2023

CSANZ NZ ASM 15-17 June in Auckland

Following a Mihi whakatau from representatives of Ngāti Whātua ki Orākei, and the traditional kapu ti me te pihikete (cup of tea and a biscuit), New Zealand Cardiac Society Chair Dr Selwyn Wong welcomed a strong delegation of over 400 members and guests to the opening of the 2023 ASM at the Aotea Centre. The theme of the meeting was ‘better together’ and the organising committee was led by Dr Andrew To and Dr Seif El-Jack, both from Waitematā.

NZ Cardiac Medal Award

After the opening ceremony, NZ Chair Selwyn Wong was delighted to award the NZ Cardiac Medal to cardiac physiologist Fiona Riddell. The medal is awarded to a member of the Cardiac Society who has made an outstanding contribution by making heart care better for New Zealanders. Find out more about Fiona’s achievements in New Zealand and in the Pacific Islands here.

2023 New Zealand Scientific Award Winners

The ASM awards ceremony was conducted on Friday evening. Congratulations to the following winners:

Young Investigator Award

Thomas Pirker, University of Otago

Soluble urokinase plasminogen activator receptor (suPAR) promotes cardioprotective intracellular signalling in myocardial ischaemia

Nursing Investigator Award

Lisa Caddis, Te Whatu Ora Health New Zealand Capital, Coast & Hutt Valley

External Service Providers (ESP) Reach-Out Project. How can nurses assist with improving patients social, economic and physical environments?

Allied Health Investigator Award

Stacey Neilson, Te Whatu Ora Health New Zealand Lakes

Incidence of cancer therapy related cardiac dysfunction (CTRCD) in Maori vs non-Maori

Our poster prize winners (first equal!) were:

Group 1 – Heart Failure (P25)

Julie Chirnside, Te Whatu Ora Health New Zealand Canterbury Waitaha

Heart Failure discharge checklist for improving quality of care

Group 2 – Imaging (P51)

Vindhya Wilson, Te Whatu Ora Health New Zealand Capital, Coast & Hutt Valley

Anatomical Computer Tomography Parameter Prediction of Pacemaker Requirement Following Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation.

Group 3 – Equity (P38)

Liam Gilheany-Black, Te Whatu Ora Health New Zealand Waikato

High rates of progression from screening to requiring investigation: Early report from the Te Kūiti Access to Cardiology Pilot Study (TKACPS)

All abstracts from the Auckland meeting are available in the June 2023 issue of Heart Lung and Circulation here.

New Members and “News”

As always, new members are welcome, and welcomed: you will see your name listed in the quarterly editions of “On The Pulse” published by the Australian office. Keep up with the regular CSANZ e-news circulated by email or catch up here. As with the educational resources and access to journals, a member login is required. If you have any difficulty with the login get in touch with Kate or the Australian Office, and we will be happy to help.

New Zealand Committee Changes

At the AGM on 15 June, Chair Selwyn Wong confirmed the following new members of the NZ Committee:

NZ Chair-elect

Dr Martin Stiles (Waikato)

Elected representative

Dr Sarah Fairley – Lower North Island

Working Group representatives:

Dr Daniel Chan – Heart Failure Working Group

Dr Kerryanne Johnson – Imaging Working Group

Zari Diedrichs-Farnan – Rehabilitation and Prevention Working Group

Two new co-opted positions on the NZ Committee were agreed:

Māori rep

Pacifica rep

Appointments to these positions will be made by the Committee at the next meeting.

CSANZ Annual Scientific Meeting in Australia in August

Finally, many New Zealand members will be looking forward to a trip to Aussie in August to the ASM in Adelaide. Safe travels. Enjoy some learning and a winter break and come home refreshed. Mā te wā.